Who Are You REALLY? And GOD?

Ivan Rudolph
2 min readDec 17, 2021

Science without religion is lame; religion without Science is blind.

— Albert Einstein

A childhood question we never quite found the answer to in the playground, in school, or at home was “Who am I?” Later it likely became lost in the noise of life without ever being answered fully. Nowadays, with numbers of fine Scientists and leaders in industry and technology becoming increasingly alarmed by developments in artificial intelligence (AI), the question starts to puzzle and challenge us again, “Who really am I? How fundamentally superior am I to a sophisticated robot?” Robots can already invent their own private language and share information with other robots. They express awareness, logic, feelings, and independence.

It may shock us, but Science does not actually know the answer to man’s superiority, nor to the essence of Time, Consciousness, Energy or Love, vital though these are to our existence. Check them out on the internet “what is Energy really?” and so on. For example — we know a huge amount how one form of energy converts into another, and how to measure it, how it travels and other characteristics, but what it truly is eludes us. The same is true for Consciousness and Time. We are babes in the woods of existence, whatever existence is.




Ivan Rudolph

Australian author of 13 books , see ivanrudolph.com My new book “Your Origin and Destiny” is original and ground-breaking. It answers who you REALLY are!!