After Covid-19 the world will be changed in certain ways. But what about our personal world, our family, friends and homes? What changes will we retain and which ones will we develop in healthy directions? The choices will be different for each family and each community.
To make wise plans, now and always, we are strengthened by knowing our identity — including our origin, the purpose of our lives right now, and how we should be preparing for the new world to come. Even many religious people regardless of their particular label wonder who they REALLY are and why, and what their destiny REALLY is? But unless we know and translate these fundamentals into our post-pandemic lives, we are building on sand.
One thing we have all learnt during the pandemic is the importance of communication as part of loving and supporting, even if only by speaking on a phone, but preferably being able to see loved ones. Zoom and similar are now here to stay.
Another lesson we must take with us into a new world is that life is not centred only in ourselves or what God can do for us — the larger community is vital and we all need to make more of a contribution to it. Imagine these last months without dedicated doctors and nurses, for example — we could have had mortality rates similar to the Black Death at around one in three dead, with modern trucks instead of rattling carts collecting the overnight dead that had been placed along the streets.
For too long a dichotomy has been building between Christianity and Science, absolutely unnecessarily — both the spiritual and the physical are essential to every life on the planet. My new book “Your Origin and Destiny” resolves the existing dichotomy once and for all for anyone who reads it thoughtfully. Big call I know, but recent emails to me illustrate that it is doing the job.
Our moment is here — both for Reconciliation and Restoration. My book is already helping some to find and travel both of these two roads.
Making properly informed decisions for our own lives and for those we love is no longer an option we can take or leave — instead, it is a looming freight train racing towards each of us.
The question of origins again becomes pivotal in examining who we REALLY are and why. Is evolution correct, or is creation correct, or maybe both? What about science? Too many people have left their churches and their faith, saying, “It no longer made sense to me”. Christianity has let them down terribly.
“Our Origin and Destiny” therefore seeks and finds Reconciliation between religion and science. It begins by probing the Evolution/Creation debate, hopefully resolving it once and for all — and the solution, firmly Bible based, is not one I have seen proposed previously. In fact, each minister I have asked to read it has been amazed by its strictly scriptural analysis and by its conclusions — why has no-one seen and proclaimed it before? I have to wonder why not? Nor have I presented fresh new concepts in a laborious way: Monika (whom I don’t know) writes on Amazon that “This being my first non-fiction book, I felt the language is easy to read and understand.”
Next comes Restoration of confidence in God and scripture. My book shows that we can absolutely trust the Bible and build our lives on it because it is inspired by God. Settling disquiet in this area sets us free to joyfully draw nearer to the one who created and loves us, a God who has definite plans for each of us, and for our families, friends and local communities.
My book consequently probes who this God REALLY is with whom we are invited by personal choice to spend eternity. It illustrates anecdotally that God’s creative activity in our world includes answered prayer, miracles, fulfilled prophecy, divine guidance and provision —practical help that includes intervention and support in individual lives in different loving and creative ways. Ever feel unloved? Hey — true love is held out to you by God.
It is obvious how absolutely vital it is that we align our actions and future with God and how He does things, beginning with the salvation He offers us as a gift by our accepting Jesus Christ as personal Saviour and Lord. This facilitates our incorporation into God’s own family and thereby our entering his present and future plans for us, both in our lives now and later on a New Earth in New Heavens.
It is imperative that in order to draw nearer to God, we need to know who he is more deeply, and so I prioritise revealing his nature, personality, characteristics and future planning. God, as revealed in the Bible, is beyond what most of us may already understand about him — far beyond!
Decisions for our own post-pandemic lives, including our communities and those we love, will become much clearer as we relate more closely with God in our daily lives. He kind of like supports us and guides us as we go about our daily business.