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Guides and Spiritual Helpers in the Afterlife
At times helpers appear to the dying in advance of death, commonly unseen by others who are present. These helpers ease the dying process and subsequently accompany the spirit at the start of the afterlife experiences. Children, especially, may report seeing a favourite relative who calms them, or their guardian angel, who does the same. Remember always that at the point of death all fear and pain disappear for the one who passes on; it is us who are left behind who mourn.
It is one of the criticisms of my book “Living Beyond: Making Sense of Near Death Experiences” that I do not record reports of satanic beings who may appear at the point of death to gloat and whisk away the spirt of the dead person to a place of torment — not Hell — but one of the prison sections nowadays in Hades. In fact, I do quote from the account of Howard Storm, the atheist professor who had that experience at death, but I do not major on the unpleasant in part because it is far less commonly reported, but mainly because I do not want to frighten children, who in any case always seem to have a friendly spirit being with them when entering the afterlife.
I will quote below a relevant extract from “Living Beyond” in chapter 5.