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My Two Stage Theory is needed throughout the Bible in order to comprehend how God does things. To recap briefly, God creates first in Heaven during heavenly days (design and planning phases) and then applies this creation later within our universe, often much later and progressively. We experience this on Earth in our earthly days and even in our personal lives. Biblical prophecy is an obvious example amongst many of how this fundamental process works — God in Heaven CREATES (determines and designs) what he intends to do on Earth, and may inform humankind of these future intentions. Later on, humankind discovers God performs in our time and space precisely what he foretold he would — Two Stage Theory — — first in Heaven, later on Earth or elsewhere in the universe.
Until you apply my Two Stage Theory to scriptures, parts of the Bible WILL appear mysterious, even illogical. Be encouraged — it is not hard to apply Two Stage Theory and soon becomes second nature. Your reward is that exciting tracts of Holy Scripture will light up to you — “At last I understand!”.
The international Bible teacher and critic, Peter Wade, grasps that Two Stage Theory is central to understanding my book AND THE BIBLE when he writes: “The “Two-Stage Theory” is, in my experience, unique and makes sense spiritually and logically. It is the key to understanding his book (and the Bible —…