Ivan Rudolph
6 min readSep 6, 2017

Some shocking moments in life can keep returning to our thoughts. For me, one was listening to a man who had gone with his Christian pastor to distribute money to the needs they witnessed in person after the 2004 Tsunami in Indonesia. Statistics tell us over 160000 Indonesians died and the devastation was almost total over wide areas. This man was asked what had impacted him most during his mission of mercy. He hesitated before answering; then said something I cannot get out of my mind: “It was the predators who flew in from around the world. They were well-dressed and apparently loaded with money. They took advantage of the children who had lost parents, who were in a state of shock, and who needed help and sympathy.”

I was disgusted and will never forget his sickening response. It got me wondering; to what extent would the many such depraved individuals go to in order to satisfy their lusts? Not able to rely on tsunamis, how else might they plan to produce a crop of children as their playthings for the future? I pondered the question— if I was prepared to go to such lengths as those men had done to gratify my perverted desires with children, how would I go about it? Some approaches suggested themselves:

  1. Where would I find numbers of young children who could be made vulnerable to my influence? The obvious place would be pre-schools and primary schools, and even in secondary schools if I played my cards right. I would have to devise new teaching philosophies, curricula and teaching strategies. A teacher myself, I knew that teachers would unwittingly toe the party line and help me achieve my plans. Many would be simply doing their job without considering carefully the long term effect of what they were teaching.
  2. The main problem I would face face would be hostile parents. To counter them, I would insist my sexualising courses were taught without briefing parents accurately on their content. I would also insist parents not be allowed to remove children from the sexualising classes, nor attend them to see what was actually being taught. I would vigorously sell my campaign as an anti-bullying campaign because no parent likes their child to be bullied, and as a trade-off parents might even turn a blind eye to what was actually being taught. I would laud as heroic any same-sex experimentation and encourage participation is these activities through role-play, sex toys in class and other demonstrations and topics. We all know that children are very influenced by their teachers and what they learn in school. My tactics could perhaps succeed if sufficient parents surrendered their parental responsibilities to teachers, which I have seen many do in this busy, busy world.
  3. I would need to get legislatures onside and close legal loopholes. I would need to get legal eagles to advise me, preferably of similar bent to myself.
  4. I could then unleash all the bullying tactics described in Part 1 of this series against anyone, especially parents, who opposed my deviant intentions.
  5. If I thought I could get away with it, I might even suggest promoting transgendering as a means of locking children into a sexual roleplay that would suit my intentions to groom them. Once locked into a transgender role, it would be very difficult for that child to reverse the treatment. Again, the danger would come from parents, who would instinctively know from their own childhoods that roleplay can be intense as a child develops, as can same-sex attractions, but that most persons mature and change their focus in life as they mature. To a young boy of ten, for example, girls can seem bland, uninteresting, perhaps even unpleasant—and he may find his male companions much more interesting and may even conduct some sexual experimentations with them; but life develops in unbidden stages, such that the same boy might find girls fascinating in later teenage years and drop all homosexual ideas forever. Sensible parents recognise that life develops in stages and know how to lead, guide and role-model their children through the traps presented at each stage. Consequently, I would not expect parents to swallow transgender hype and would not promote it widely, but simply express tolerance for children who “choose” to go that way, while covertly promoting it.

Don’t laugh too loudly at my five approaches to grooming a whole generation of schoolchildren to be sexual playthings for deviants similar to those who flew into Indonesia in the aftermath of the 2004 Tsunami. I personally would be too stupid, and too unprotected, to pull it off—but enter an American genius named Kevin Jennings who is on the verge of achieving the sexual grooming of kids in America, as well as in Australia and elsewhere.

Kevin Jennings is one of the most extraordinary figures of our times, and the founder of the “Safe Schools” agendum. Every parent and grandparent should read as much about him as they can stomach, including his own books and other writings, and the student behaviours promoted at his GLSEN conferences. A good place to start is to google “The American Origins of the ‘Safe Schools’ Concept — Unsafe Schools”. In it you will find quotes from his own materials. Then comes the most unexpected information about a man who reportedly supports pedophilia and openly promotes nauseating behaviours:

In May 2009, the Obama administration appointed Jennings to be the ‘Safe Schools Czar’, a prominent position in the US Department of Education. This allowed Jennings to use millions of American federal taxpayers dollars to establish and fund ‘Safe Schools’ programs in schools all over the United States!!!!!!!!

How have American parents allowed this? Ignorance? Cowardice? It sure beats me to try to comprehend it. Wake up American parents! Wake up America!

To get back briefly to the campaigning for the “Yes” vote for same-sex marriage in Australia. Polls show a nation ignorant of the real agendum is overwhelmingly in favour of same-sex marriage. Despite this, meetings that have tried to present the contrary case have been shouted down or not allowed to meet at all because of threats of violence or legal action issued by the intolerant “Yes” supporters. Hotels, for example, have refused use of their venues as “too risky”, perhaps with good cause. For example, there has been intense social vilification and physical threats to mothers who have spoken out in Australia against the “Yes” vote; and more importantly the consequent “Safe Schools” curriculum that will follow a successful “Yes” vote. Three young mothers spoke on Australian television about their genuine concerns—and the bullying tactics swung immediately into action. One was a young doctor and moves were made at once to de-register her, despite the fact that the prominent and decorated Dr Kerryn Phelps can sprout off her same-sex marriage “Yes” opinions without censure, alongside other medical personnel, and the Australian Medical Association can come out openly in favour of same-sex marriage, also without censure. As is always the case with the political left, or other extremist groups including the political right, we are all equal and worth protecting providing you agree totally with us — otherwise some of us immediately become much more equal and worth valuing than others, who must be vile scum!

“Hey, aren’t you going too far to link a “yes” vote in Australia for same-sex marriage to a “Safe Schools” homosexualising campaign? During their recent campaigning for a “Yes” vote, BOTH the Labor and Greens parties have expressed their support for“Safe Schools”, and it is obvious from their own web pages that they conceptualise both together. As they are now well ahead in the polls, they are likely to form the next government and to simply usher in “Safe Schools” when they do, unless Australian parents wake up to the threat.

Unbelievably, some large corporate bodies to their shame have coerced their employees to vote “Yes” in the campaign. So much for free speech! Around 600 corporations have come out in favour of the “yes” vote, alongside many lesser organisations, and even those who do not suggest how their employees should vote are nevertheless exerting unfair professional and employment pressure on them.

Believe me, America, what we are seeing in Australia is a microcosm of what will happen to your families.

Wake up both Australian and American parents!

Wake up Australia and America!



Ivan Rudolph

Australian author of 13 books , see My new book “Your Origin and Destiny” is original and ground-breaking. It answers who you REALLY are!!