Ivan Rudolph
4 min readSep 20, 2019


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Many have returned from death from all cultures, some witnesses were religious some not, to describe an incredible light that they experienced in the afterlife. Those with scientific training are often sure it is not the same as light as we experience it in our universe, but without the equipment to test it in any way they are not sure of the criteria that govern it. Is it comprised of quanta, is it a universal constant and does it travel at the same speed as our light? Some notice that it shines into or through things more readily than our light does, and rocks and plants may glow as a consequence. Others comment on its pervasiveness and there appears to be a lack of deep shadowing such as is common on earth. It remains until now mysterious despite these and other observations.

Because it is part of one of the afterlife venues created by a brilliant consciousness, generally termed “God”, or one of the “gods” in religions ancient and modern, there is no requirement for it to share any similarity to light on our earth or any other light in our universe. We don’t expect a great artist, for example Rembrandt, to create any two absolutely identical paintings — in fact it is impossible for him to do so because the paints he uses will not be comprised of identical numbers of atoms and molecules for a start. God is billions of times superior to any earthly artist and has total control over his creations. Never expect to understand everything you find in the afterlife.

For your interest, I quote those who have experienced this strange light and their descriptions in my book “Living Beyond: Making Sense of Near Death Experiences” (NDEs). You will notice a range of descriptions, each providing a tiny window into how that person perceived the Light — this degree of difference is common to witnesses giving personal accounts in court to the same event they have witnessed. This personal variation can dog a court of law, because the truth has to be constructed as best we can by putting these accounts together.

Let’s see how you do. What is this Light really like and what part does it play in the NDE? My quotes are taken verbatim and referenced carefully in my book. Here I will repeat only a few and what they observed about the Light before actually arriving at their destination = Paradise, where their experience of the Light often increased later exponentially.

“A Light Appears

At some stage in the NDEr’s journey, a mysterious light is encountered. It often appears at the end of the tunnel, towards which the spirit appears to be drawn like a moth to a lamp. Lillian Oaktree’s experience is typical. ‘In a flash I was transported into a dark tunnel, travelling fast towards a bright, golden light. There was something warm and appealing about the light. I wasn’t scared anymore. Within seconds I was out of the tunnel and in a lush, green countryside.’

Rose Richter:

“I went up. It was very, very, very dark. There were no stars. And I don’t know if there was wind; that I cannot tell you. But before I became frightened, there was a tunnel there… I went through the tunnel like ‘shwoosh,’ and at the end of the tunnel was a light. I followed it. I had no choice. I came out by the light. There was no sun. It was all in a golden, warm, loving light.”

Brian Johnson:

“Suddenly, I could see this tunnel or whatever it was, and the sides of this tunnel thing looked like a blinding bright corrugated metal, and a kind of very bright bluish/white pulsating light, and this light was like a strobe light on high power, but this light was about a 100 times faster than a strobe light, it was pulsating so fast that it was almost a steady light. Next, I could hear people were calling my name, when I found myself travelling to a place that was beyond my comprehension. I was no longer feeling the pain that I was feeling before this wonderful experience started.”

In some cases, a tunnel is not seen at all, only the startling light in various presentations. This demonstrates that the purpose of that tunnel is to reach the light, but that methods other than tunnels may be used to achieve this primary objective.

None-the-less, the tunnel most commonly delivers NDErs to the light in an awe-inspiring destination that we will visit next in the book — Paradise!”

In Paradise, the Light will be encountered in fresh startling presentations — but this is enough for now.

Excerpt From: Ivan Rudolph. “Living Beyond.” Apple Books.



Ivan Rudolph
Ivan Rudolph

Written by Ivan Rudolph

Australian author of 13 books , see My new book “Your Origin and Destiny” is original and ground-breaking. It answers who you REALLY are!!

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